HukariAscendent, Inc. is proud to announce that in May 2017 we entered into a Department of Energy (DOE) Mentor-Protégé relationship with Fluor Idaho, LLC. The Mentor-Protégé Program is the pre-eminent Federal program for the transformation of a small business with high potential to a firm that can perform well as a prime contractor or subcontractor.

Fluor Idaho, LLC, was selected by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to support the Department’s cleanup mission at the Idaho Site under the Idaho Cleanup Project (ICP) Core Contract. Fluor Idaho is led and fully owned by Fluor with subcontractors CH2M, Waste Control Specialists, and Idaho-based small businesses North Wind and Portage. Combined, their team members have had a presence in Idaho for more than a century − with 50 years as a part of the Idaho Site’s community.

HukariAscendent is proud to partner with Fluor Idaho in the DOE Mentor-Protégé Program. This agreement aligns well with HukariAscendent’s strategic goal of becoming a premier resource to DOE and its prime contractors for technically superior resources and innovative solutions for high-risk nuclear challenges!