HukariAscendent, Inc. is proud to announce that that we have entered into a Department of Energy (DOE) Mentor-Protégé Program with Mission Support Alliance (MSA), LLC. The MSA Team includes Lockheed Martin, Jacobs, and Wackenhut Services. The Mentor-Protégé Program is the pre-eminent Federal program for the transformation of a small business with high potential to a firm that can perform well as a prime contractor or subcontractor.

Mission Support Alliance (MSA) is the cornerstone of a multi-contract structure at the Hanford Site, collaborating with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and all Hanford Site contractors to move the mission forward – finding and implementing new, cost saving and safe solutions to cleanup challenges. MSA provides quality infrastructure and sitewide services – always with a focus on implementing new technologies that reduce costs, reduce energy consumption, and safely and effectively satisfy the needs of the cleanup contractors.

HukariAscendent is proud to partner with MSA in the DOE Mentor Protégé Program. This agreement aligns well with HukariAscendent’s strategic goal of becoming a premier resource to DOE and its prime contractors for technically superior resources and innovative solutions for high-risk nuclear challenges!