Decommissioning jobs can be difficult in the best of situations. When it comes to nuclear decommissioning assignments, however, the experts involved need to have extensive knowledge of how to work with radioactive elements, clean nuclear power plants of radioactive residue and ensure that the site can then be safely reused for some other purpose.
Most countries that use nuclear fuel have a special nuclear decommissioning authority for decommissioning old power plants that are no longer in use. The US is no exception, and the experts hired on these types of positions have to be among the very best.
If you want to work in a nuclear decontamination job, you have to be aware of how nuclear decommissioning jobs work, how the responsibility is assigned in riticality safety jobs and what special skills you will need in order to carry out your responsibilities and cooperate with other professionals to ensure the site is completely safe.
Some additional skills and activities associated with nuclear decommissioning jobs also include the ability to safely store away or remove nuclear fuel from the facility, coordinate with appropriate disposal services and facilities, and testing the site to check if it is safe to use for other purposes down the line.